Purpose: To introduce faculty and staff to SOC and encourage registration and participation (links included below). Simply cut and paste the content below, edit as you wish, and email to your curated list of faculty and staff (using your school/.edu email address).
Suggested Subject: Log in to SOC to Share Opportunities with Students!
[INSERT COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY NAME, OFFICE] has recently partnered with Student Opportunity Center (SOC), an organization that partners with colleges and universities nationwide to help effectively and efficiently scale High-Impact Practices (HIPs) and Experiential Learning (EL) opportunities.
Through our partnership, SOC provides [all or our honors or undergraduate research] students with free, 24/7 online access to their database—the nation's largest for EL and HIPs opportunities, such as scholarships, fellowships, internships, conferences, publication, juried competitions, grants, and thousands more funded and virtual, on-site, and remote opportunities.
SOC is a free, easy-to-use platform for [INSERT COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY NAME] students. Because SOC will be the central place through which we will be sharing [INSERT OPP TYPE, e.g., RESEARCH] listings with students, we invite you to join the platform and use it to share information about opportunities.
For our students, SOC will recommend opportunities based on parameters like their major, field of study, and geographic location. Additionally, students will get deadline reminders, updates, and weekly newsletters containing a curated list of upcoming opportunities, timely tips and content, and relevant links.
Please take 30 seconds to get started, log in, and set up your profile using your school (.edu) email address: Click here to log on.
Click here to learn how you can add an opportunity to our local database.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to [INSERT LOCAL CONTACT INFO]. SOC support can be contacted 24/7 via email or through their help center.
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