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Step by Step Process for Companies and Faculty
How do I add additional Administrators to the Portal to help me manage my Class Project?
How do I review - edit - delete - archive my company project / or faculty course
What is this all about? How does SOC connect companies and college classrooms?
What is this all about? How does SOC connect companies and college classrooms?
SOC Marketing Guide | How to make the most of SOC
2021 Marketing Toolkit
SOC for Honors and Undergraduate Research | Intro Presentation for Administrators
Does my school have to be partnered with SOC for me to participate?
SOC Marketing Suggestions | How to make the most of SOC
General EMAIL TEMPLATE: SOC is your one-stop virtual shop for all career-building, funding, undergraduate research & honors opportunities, and more!
What role does SOC play?
Introduce (re-introduce) SOC to Your Students | EMAIL TEMPLATE
Introduce (re-introduce) SOC to Faculty & Staff | EMAIL TEMPLATE
Can you share a few example projects and what the “final result/deliverable looks like”?
Can I negotiate a higher stipend?
Is there a cost to participate? If so, how much is it?
How to Register, Sign Up, & Search: LINK &/or STUDENT HANDOUT
How do I receive this stipend?
How long does a company project take to complete?
Even More Virtual & Remote Opportunities, Added Every Day! | Announcement | EMAIL TEMPLATE
Logo, Brand, and Language
How do I review - edit - delete - archive my courses, projects?
Press Release | PR TEMPLATE
How do I review - edit - delete - archive my company projects
How do I add additional Administrators to the Portal to help me manage my Class Project?
Social Media Content Suggestions | SAMPLES
How do I add additional Administrators to the Portal to help me manage my Class Project?
How do I block other companies from reaching out to me, once I've matched my course to a company?